
Two Keys to Living an EXTRAordinary Life

Why live an ordinary life,when you can live an extraordinary one Anthony Robbins Have you ever…

Can your life story inspire others?

The Sussex Newspaper and Muse Words are producing the definitive tribute book to outstanding people. The…

3 Key Reasons Why Your Brand Drives Your Business Growth

Your Brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room…

5 Attributes of Top Negotiators

The good news is that we are born negotiators. The bad news is that, mostly due…

How can I sell my online business?

I have a games site (providing features, news and reviews ) that I’d like to sell.…

How do I find an app partner?

I’ve been working on an app idea that will completely transform the way books are marketed…

How to make local area marketing work for you

Businesses, big and small, need to go the extra mile to stand out from the crowd.…

Company structures explained

You’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and start your own business.  Congratulations!  Now all you…

No one wants to follow a fake

Words by Laticia Gibson, Founder of Mind Body Business   So you’ve decided it’s time you…

How to learn about your ideal client without leaving your desk

Most marketing experts agree that it is important to understand your ideal client better than you…