Gary Elphick is new columnist at My Entrepreneur Magazine
Gary is a technology marketer, ad guy and sports nut. He previous working for BlackBerry, Nokia…
How to market your business by writing a best-selling book
In this age of fast paced technology and the Internet and tools like blogging, Facebook,…
Top 5 Due Diligence Tips for Start-Ups Fundraising
FilmDoo is currently in the middle of raising capital for the growth and expansion of our…
Say hello to our new writer, Cory Becker
Cory writes from the trenches, sharing his insight as an entrepreneur, both exhilarated and exasperated with…
COURAGE & DENIAL – The 2 Secret Weapons of Entrepreneurs
By John Peterson – Entrepreneur and Director of the Best Practice Program It’s one thing to…
Top 3 Negotiation Mistakes And What To Do Instead
Negotiation is the most misunderstood business tool, and also an outright phobia for many managers and…
Relaunch Your Life’s Lorraine Pirihi joins My Entrepreneur Magazine
Lorraine Pirihi from Relaunch Your Life is known as the Babyboomer Coach/Business Mentor. She specialises in…
Dale Reardon joins My Entrepreneur Magazine family
Dale Reardon has a broad range of experience that he will draw upon to contribute a…