Is the role of CEO on death row?

By Chris Shepparson, Founder of EP Innovates ( There is a general view beginning to develop…

Brief encounters – a personal approach to networking

I am not the shrinking violet type – perhaps because of my upbringing in the North…

Risk Management is Boring: Brain Hacks to Protect Your Business

One challenge for many new businesses is the wonderfully unsexy world of risk management. Due to…

Can you offer advice on how to invest in property?

If you’re a successful property investor and want to help others navigate their way through the…

The Fraud Hunter – why UK businesses should not be scared to go global

During the 1980s and 1990s I was a corporate man.  Working for a number of large…

Leadership: are entrepreneurs too ‘bottom-line focused’?

By Chris Sheppardson at EP Innovates If the country has great and inspirational leaders (and it…

You’re free, not to be free as an Entrepreneur

One of the great drawcards to entrepreneurship is the freedom you gain. No more boss, late…

Andy Gent is new contributor at My Entrepreneur Magazine

Andy Gent is CEO of Revector, a global leader in the detection, location and elimination of…

Sebastian Lewis joins My Entrepreneur Magazine’s thought leader team

Sebastian was one of the first entrepreneurs in the UK to online crowdfund his business and…

Lilli Hender: A Guide to Office Space for Start-Ups

You’ve no doubt heard of the mystical offices with slides, ping-pong tables and beer on tap.…